PC-2 Business Finance program: © 1982 Tandy
Corporation. All rights reserved.
The Business Finance package is a group of seven programs
which performs a variety of calculations used in business
finance applications.
The 7 programs are:
1. Internal Rate of Return (IRR) - Calculates the rate of
return on an Investment or property which produces
revenue, as well as required present value or initia1
cost . The IRR program can also be used for investments
which produce annual revenue.
2. Bond Price and Yield (BONDS) - Solves problems related
to coupon-type bonds which produce a fixed annual return
(coupon value) for each year of a bond's life. The BONDS
program can figure the effective annual yield (in percent)
or find the selling price of the bond.
3. Loans and Annuities (LOANS) - Finds the true annual
interest rate, present value, amount of payment, or
number of payments for a loan or an annuity. The sum of
all payments and total interest paid are also calculated.
4. Dates (DATES) - Finds the day of the week for a given
date, the number of days between two dates, and the date
for a day "x" days ago or "x" days
following a given date.
5. Future Value (FUTURE) - Performs calculations dealing
with future values of loans, such as interest rate,
amount of payment, future value, and number of payments.
6. Interest Formulas (INTFORM)- Performs common interest
calculations, including single payment compound amount,
single payment present worth, equal payment series
compound amount, equal payment series sinking fund, equal
payment series capital recovery amount, and equal payment
series present worth.
7. Depreciation (DEPREC) - Given the initial or
acquisition cost, life in years, and final value of an
item or property, DEPREC calculates depreciation and
current value by straight line, double declining, or sum-of-years-digits
methods. |